create a program
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I need to know if you can create a program
I believe that knowing how computer works could help me create a program to control the computer in a better way .
Every channel has also been ordered to create a program that promotes traditional virtues and socialist core values .
She started " It 's Academic " after local school officials asked her to create a program that showed outstanding students .
Create a program , that is , an executable file , to wrap as a generic test .
Follow these steps to create a program that opens a window and reacts to a button press .
But you can 't create a program that mixes visuals from both platforms .
A recently released document will create a program to nurture rural clinics and give village doctors training at least twice a year .
In the next example , you will first create a program that will serially , or one after the other , grab a URL of a website , and print out the first 1024 bytes of the page .
Create a program from the village level on local villages and settlements in arid areas of the landscape in order to address the current lack of environmental studies for the settlement within the village except for the built environment and resources outside of the relationship between spatial organization described .
Do you want to create a setup program to install an application ?
To create a demand program , Demand Management uses planned independent requirements and customer requirements .
The Method to Create A CSP Program
You can copy this source file to a source physical file and create a CL program .
To share your program with others , you will first need to create a setup program and copy it onto a CD-ROM or other media .
A couple of months of therapy had given her more clarity but no strategy so she decided to create a coaching program to get through her own divorce .
You 're going to create a short stand-alone program that performs this setup .
This tutorial will show you how to create a very simple program that will actually speak .
S.government to create a large-scale research program and a joint effort of the pharmaceutical industry , the U.
Frank : We have been asked to create a new training program for our new-hire machine operators .
He suggested they should create a new computer program that would do the same job as Mosaic but would be much easier to use .
You create a Java main program that uses the Spring context to get the client bean defined , then invoke the processOrder method .
Third chapter putting focus on how to create a television brand program , has analyzed the program function and the characteristic of television brand , proposed the foundation television program brand process and the important method .
For this reason , I have asked my colleagues at the Japanese Foreign Ministry to create a multi-year student-exchange program that is absolutely positive , like my vision of China 's future .
As with other PHP extensions , to verify that Xdebug is installed and available , create a bare-bones PHP program to call phpinfo () and scan the results .
You will now create and use a test program to test your component .
To set command-line flags , you must create a shortcut to the program itself .
Not many programming languages enable you to create such a complex GUI program in so few lines of code .
Innovative Sandbox technology has been implemented , which uses virtualization to create a secure environment for program execution .